I've just entered my photo "Shattered" in the 2016 Rare Artist Contest, sponsored by the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases. Winning artwork will be displayed on Capitol Hill during RDLA's Rare Disease Week, Feb. 27 through March 3.
PLEASE VOTE BY CLICKING ON THE PICTURE BELOW; it will take you to the voting site. You can vote once every 10 days. Voting ends on December 12th. If the picture doesn't appear in this post, please go to the Adult Digital & Photography category and search for "Zeis" or "Shattered."
Here's the text that accompanies my photo:
I've had Behcet's disease since 1979, and have been a BD advocate & writer since 1997.
"Shattered" is that feeling when doctors say "it's all in your head."
"Shattered is what happens to patients, relationships & families, as they try to cope with a new reality.
"Shattered is the physical pain caused by unrelenting symptoms.
Not everyone can be fixed like shattered glass, but a lucky few find peace, solace and/or treatments that make life whole again.
The Rare Artist Contest is dedicated to raising awareness of rare diseases and highlighting the talent of the rare disease community. Winners in each category are based on votes, and voting ends on December 12th. A second award is chosen exclusively by a panel of rare disease community leaders.
Thank you!! Please vote by December 12th and share!